Monday, August 22, 2011


A quick aside - I'm not sure why, but since I've moved down here I've been having very vivid dreams.  In the states, I hardly ever dreamed, or remembered them if I did.  Maybe once every two months I would wake up remembering what had just happened.  But down here, it's been practically every night.  Last night I had 3 distinct ones, and thought they'd be worth sharing.

The first one was I found myself on a beach somewhere, but not a tropical beach.  More like a beach from the Boundary waters, or northern maine.  And I was there with 5 over-the-top gangster rappers and a camera crew.  We were filming the first video for their new record label, and thus everybody had to be in it.  In the dream, I was convinced that I wasn't actually supposed to be there, but one or two of the fellow rappers assured me that I indeed belonged.  Oh, and then they told me I had to provide two 16-bar versus for the video, for which I had not prepared.  We were also standing ankle-deep in the water, and we would all be in the background for whoever was dropping their verse at the time.

The second dream was I was merely an observer of a navy-SEALS training operation, where teams of two SEALS would attempt to raid this mansion on a hill in the middle of the night, find and secure the contraband inside (a single joint of marijuana), and get out alive.  There were 6 or so total teams, each of which I watched run through the training exercise.  However, I got an intimate understanding of each of the teams, and their dynamics.  Some went in and just immediately tried to kill the other players, some tried to sneak through, and one or two were just plain horrible at their jobs and died immediately.  Oh yes, despite being a "training" operation, it was all live-fire.  And one team smoked the marijuana.

The final dream from last night was that somebody convinced me to see the first "Twilight" movie with them, and I had begrudgingly agreed.  However, upon first entering the movie theater, I realized the entire movie was infinitely more badass than I had ever thought it could possibly be.  There was a man with a sword called "Twilight", because it literally repelled the darkness every time he swung it.  If he used it around sunset, every swing he took prolonged the light, and often in the path/direction he used the broadsword.  He then entered a vampire village somewhere around the outskirts of civilization, and brutally decimated the majority of vampires in the town with the sword.  It was just sunset as he had got there, and all the vampires had essentially just woken up and needed a few minutes to get their thoughts together.  They were like vampire-zombies at first, essentially.  They wouldn't be fully cognizant/functioning until later in the night, closer to midnight.  I left the theater excited for the sequel.

Needless to say, I woke up exhausted today.


  1. have you ever read any snippets of the twilight books?

  2. Are you dreaming in Spanish at all yet?

  3. I've only read the worst of the worst snippets posted on the internet from twilight. "It was bad. It was so bad, it was scary."

    And I have Spanish people I know in my dreams, but they have yet to talk. They're just auxillary characters.
