Monday, August 29, 2011

Isla Negra (Actual)

So as I alluded to yesterday, I went to the beach this past weekend!  Well, technically we never actually went to the beach, as it really wasn't beach weather all weekend, but it was still fun.  We stayed in a cabin in the hills of Isla Negra, a city on the Pacific Ocean about a 90 mins outside of Santiago.  To get there, we took the most colorful bus I've ever been on.  For your consideration:
The outside of it was something like a Jackson Pollack painting as well, it was wild.  The ride there was pretty gorgeous as well.  Here are a couple shots from out of the bus window.

I guess I had planned to take more pictures once we got to the beach, but as that never happened, I only got a couple of the house and surrounding area in the rain.  Here's what I've got:
 Little gift shops somewhere near Pablo Neruda's house.  We never actually made it to the house, just along the side street.  Next time.

 Carlito, the random dog who came by a couple times a day for discarded meat.
 The view out of the window of the house one day.  When it was clear, the Pacific Ocean was visible from here.
As we were leaving, the sky started to clear up.  Sadly, I couldn't get a better shot free of power lines.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The power lines add balance and perspective. I like the shot! Dad : )
